Basics of Google Sheets
Google Sheets allows users to edit, organize, and analyze different types of information. It allows collaborations, and multiple users can edit and format files in real-time, and any changes made to the spreadsheet can be tracked by a revision history.
In this blog I will be showing you some basic functionalities of Google Sheets and together we will be making a table and some charts.
Table of content
- Making a table
- Designing the table
- Graphs
Making a table
First click on ‘Untitled’ to Rename the file and then change the name.
Start filling the column of the table as shown.
If the size of the cell is smaller than the text then double-click between then two cell where alphabets are written.
If you want to insert the row above the content of the table then right-click on the cell and select ‘Insert row’.
Start filling the row starting with months.
Google sheets has an auto-filling function available for the months. To use that you have to click on the cell with ‘Jan’ or ‘January’ written on it and then select the region where you want auto-filling of the rest of the months. Here I am selecting the first four cells of the row.
Then select the column and then click on the bottom right plus sign on the cell and then swap it towards right to copy the exact same values on the other columns.
This is how it looks after you do that.
To find the sum, select the region whose sum is needed and then click on ‘+’ icon appearing on the bottom right part of the screen. This is Explore section from where we will click on ‘SUM’ and drag it to the cell where we need to paste the sum.
Designing the table
We will start by coloring the text by clicking on ‘A’ icon on the ribbon above and then selecting the color.
Then we can fill the color in the cell by clicking on icon appearing right side of the ‘A’ icon.
Now we can copy the style to all other cells by first clicking on the cell whose style we want to copy. Then click on forth icon appearing after printer icon. And then finally selecting all the other cells on which we want to copy the style. Do this for all other cells.
For the border, select the complete table and then click icon appearing on the right side of ‘fill-color’ icon.
To color the border, click on the ‘pencil’ icon and then select the color.
To change the width and style of the lines of the border, click on the icon below the ‘pencil’ icon and then select the line accordingly.
You can choose in which format you want numbers to be appeared by clicking on the ‘123’ icon.
Similarly make the rest of the table.
Congratulations if you’ve come this far. You’ve learned a lot of things.
To get the graph, select the region of the table whose graph you want and then from the explore section select the required graph. Keep in mind that you don’t select the ‘Total’ column of your table.
Similarly, I have pasted the pie chart.
So, that’s it folks!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Keep learning :) And don’t forget to clap if you liked my article.