K Nearest Neighbor

Pavini Jain
2 min readJul 6, 2021


  • K in KNN is the number of Nearest Neighbors.
  • It is a Supervised learning algorithm.
  • It classifies data points based on neighbors i.e. similarity measures. So, the data point is classified by five nearest neighbors.
  • This algorithm is based on feature similarity.
  • Parament tuning is used to choose k.
  • If k is too low the algorithm becomes noisy and if it is too big then the algorithm takes forever to process.

How to find K?

  • Take sqrt(n) number of points whose distance with the given data point is needed, where n is the no of data points.
  • Find sqrt(n) number of nearest neighbors of K (where is the number of data points) by finding the distance between them by the following two methods:
  • Also, make sure that the number of nearest neighbors i.e. sqrt(n) should odd. if it even then take sqrt(n)-1 number of nearest neighbors.

1) Euclidean distance:

2) Manhattan Distance:

It is used to find the distance between the real vectors using the sum of their absolute difference.

When to use KNN?

When the data is:

  • labeled
  • noise-free
  • dataset is small


  • Recommendation system(Netflix, Amazon)
  • Concept Search
  • Handwriting detection
  • Image Recognition

Lazy Learner-

  • Memorizes the training data
  • No learning phase


  1. Handle Data(import dataset and split it into training and test set)
  2. Similarity(Calculate the distance between the two data instances)
  3. Neighbors(Locate k most similar data instances)
  4. Response(Generate response from the set of data instances)
  5. Accuracy(summarizing the accuracy of the predictions)
  6. Main(Tie all together)


To predict whether a person will be diagnosed with diabetes or not refer to my Github link where both the dataset and the prediction is performed:

So, that’s it friends. I hope you liked my article. Don’t forget to clap if you found my blog useful and if you want to read more of my articles, you can follow me.

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See you in my next blog!



Pavini Jain
Pavini Jain

Written by Pavini Jain

Student at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology

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